Wednesday 6 March 2019

Welcome Year 6


Alperton Community School opened its doors to the year 6 students and their parents who have been offered a place to join our school community in September 2019. Year 6 students across the country were told on Friday which school they had been given a place for. To help with that transition Ms. Manderson set up a welcome day on Monday 4th March.

The event was very well attended and students and their parents got to meet lots of teachers and find out more about what the school can offer them. This is a great thing because it means that students will be less nervous about having lots of different teachers when they come as they would have seen so many of their friendly faces already. Lots of the year 6 students left feeling a lot happier about the choice they have made in choosing Alperton as their preferred secondary school.

As a year 7 student I want to let you know that if you are feeling nervous about starting a new school – and a very big school – trust me, it is not as hard as you think it will be. I know this because I am experiencing it now. If you are ever struggling you can ask a teacher as they are always there to help and support you. This school does not tolerate bullying or fighting and it is a very safe place for us to be. It has a strong safeguarding team so we know we are always going to be well looked after.

This school has twelve forms and you are put into a class with other children who you do your lessons with for most subjects, but for some subjects there are sets. In form time you are with a teacher that will teach you PSHE. You will get your own form tutor who you can rely on and also a pastoral manager who is in charge of the whole year group. You will adapt to the system of the school in no time. The school ensures our safety first and then our education.

However, the education levels are still excellent. We are amongst the top 1% in the country of progression at maths. The schools education is very good as the teachers are qualified to do the job correctly. They explain the work very well and if you don't understand they will explain it to you again because they want to see you succeed.

The school also has lots of sports equipment that you can use during PE, break and lunch. They even have lots of clubs you can join for free.

We look forward to welcoming you again when you join the school in September. Good luck for the rest of year 6.

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