Thursday 15 March 2018

ECO Committee: clean and green


The ECO Committee members help by making eco-friendly products for the environment. The students who are part of the ECO Committee are willing to help improve the environment by designing posters to explain to other students about how to keep the environment clean. This can be by planting more trees, reusing plastic bags and recycling.

Image from BBC News

We also have the litter “police” who teach students that throwing trash is bad for the environment and then help them understand what to do and why to not litter anywhere. The ECO Committee is helpful because it will help us realise that littering is bad and we all need to take part in making the environment around us a better place.

Those who are in the ECO Committee have meetings every Friday in room E217 in the Alperton Lower site with Ms. Paoletti who is the leader of the ECO Committee. In these meetings we discuss schemes for making the environment clean and green. It is a great way to help in saving the environment from pollution. It is open for year 7 - 10.

On top of the ECO Committee, there is a recycling programme that has been started by student voice, run by Mr.Tan. This is being trialled with year 7 form rooms and will hopefully roll out to the rest of the school soon. They have introduced recycling boxes which are made out of cardboard (not plastic thus, recyclable) where all the students from a particular form can put the rubbish in. After each week, the class representative throws the paper that is in the recycling box in a recycling bin.

There are many more schemes like this around the world and this will really help make the environment more eco-friendly. Put forward your ideas of how to make our school more environmentally friendly as well as our local area.       

1 comment:

  1. Dear rucha,

    Wow! Such an inspirational description of the Eco Committee! Thank you so much! Thank you so much for your dedication! it is such an unprecedented feeling for me!
