Thursday 15 March 2018

Work experience


Pupils in Year 10 were given the opportunity of work experience at KBM in Park Royal during the February half term. Many schools encourage work experience as it allows students to gain a sense of responsibility and experience the working life. Schools send students to companies within different departments to gain knowledge of the work done and to learn how the company operates on a whole.

At Alperton work experience opportunities are run by Ms. Radford. There are also many career talks every week after school on Monday which students can attend to find out more about a variety of different jobs.

Aquilla, a year 10 student, is going on work experience in the Easter Holidays. She said, “I am looking forward to the chance of experience adult life.” She then went onto say, “I am very excited and I can’t wait.” Many more year 10 students are waiting for their turn to be given a placement.

A student who has already had this experience said “it has taught me that life is not always fun and in order to succeed you have to work hard.” They experienced working in the business admin sector, IT sector and the accountancy sector. They thoroughly enjoyed it as they got a feel of working life. Also, they felt they were given a great deal of responsibility.

Another student said she would like to experience working in a hospital, as she would like to enter the medical field in the future. When asked why, she answered: “it’s amazing how you can save someone’s life through the skills you have attained.” Work experience demonstrates some of the skills you will need to have not only in your job, but also in any job.

Overall, work experience is a great opportunity that allows students to realise their dream job. It also allows you to gain skills that would be needed for any job. Good luck to students going for work experience in the April holidays!

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