Thursday 15 March 2018

Equality Day


On Friday the 9th of March year 9 had a great day learning about equality. On this day students had a great opportunity to gain more knowledge about the major issues going on around the world.

Students were off timetable. They had to come to school at the normal time but in their PE kit. For the first 2 lessons from 9:00 to 11:00 all the year 9 students were outside with P.E. teachers. During this time they took part in activities such as games with blindfolds.

From 11:20 to 12:20, they had a session with the ‘Education Against Discrimination’ team, where they learnt about discrimination, focusing mainly on racism and Islamophobia. They also learnt about stereotypes and how they cause more hate between people.

For the 4th session they learnt about gender equality, which is still a big issue around the world.

Lastly, students learnt about people with disabilities. During this session they learnt to say their name using sign language.

Here is what some students thought about the day:

Nimca 9V
“It was interesting and taught me to treat everyone equally and also not to discriminate people no matter what.”

Riya 9V
“The day was fabulous because I got to learn so much information about people who are anti-Muslim and how to stand up to people like that.”

Rucha 9V
“My opinion about holding the equality day is positive because we learnt about the consequences of racism and much more.”

All the students I spoke to had very positive opinions about the Equality Day. Everyone had a great time learning about many new things. All the sessions helped them improve their knowledge on this particular topic. We are very lucky our school puts on days like this for us to learn useful things.

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